Multi-generational holidays are where three different generations of the family, grandparents, parents and their children go on holiday together.
It’s quite a generous gesture offering to share your precious holiday time with Grandma and Grandpa. Many grandparents will jump at the opportunity to be with family. And if they’re offering to pay, even better. If you like the idea, then you will want to do all you can to ensure that relations stay as harmonious as possible. A good first step is to make it clear from the start what you all want from your holiday.
Ideally, grandparents will fit in with your family and the wider group. They will join in the fun at kids’ tea, have a drink, enjoy dinners with the other guests, perhaps do some babysitting, help with bedtime and so on. If the holiday is not quite what one party expects, or someone is steering things that impact your holiday then it might create tension. So setting some ground rules from the start could be a useful exercise to save any misunderstandings.
Dinner might be a bit later than they are used to, just check they are comfortable with that. If they can be flexibile, fun and helpful, then this is a great place to be together. There are loads of things to do with the little ones, play with them at the swings, the sandpit or visit the animals. Watch them interact with new friends, learning to swim and grow a little each day.
Sharing your children is one thing on holiday, but sharing a bathroom might be a step too far. So we recommend the grandparents have the smallest suite Vinya which opens on to the pool and after a swim the children can pop in there for a cuddle and a biscuit. Or even have the odd sleepover if the mood strikes – does that sound tempting? There is a large table and sofa nearby, the children can have breakfast with grandma and story time with grandpa and maybe they can collect the eggs or walk around the hillside together.
Elizabeth comes every year with her crew and loves the wine, the birds, and is often found rinsing out the children’s swim wear, making sure it is dry for the morning.
Peter brought his two daughters and their families, he liked lazy lunches and an evening beer by the pool.
There is Jack from Glasgow whose granny loves her walks up and down the mountain.
And Lucy’s dad, the tricky eater who went home without losing weight for the first time on his holidays. Grateful for having been fed what he liked. And a cook that listened!
And the other Lucy’s dad, he likes to be busy. We sent him off to the almond groves every evening with five children and a bucket. An hour with the nutcrackers and he had his freshly roasted almonds and a cold beer. ‘Best holiday ever!’
Are multi-gen holidays a good idea? Think it through at the beginning, get the dynamic right and they can be the most fabulous experience. When the holiday works for everyone, the children especially will enjoy the extra attention and love from Grandma and Grandpa. Time with family is everything.