It’s been quite a year for anyone wanting to travel. Less than a year ago in March 2022, travel restrictions were finally lifted for passengers arriving back to the UK. The airports and many of the airlines then struggled to build their operations up for the summer months. This left many passengers at the mercy of uncertain travel arrangements. Some of our more intrepid guests navigated their way back to Spain but understandably many families with young children were more cautious.
We now have a situation where many families have not travelled abroad in the last 3 years. Going away with a little one may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This year, Sarah is writing a blog ‘First Holiday with Baby’. Here she breaks going on holiday down into easy steps, making planning, preparing and packing more fun. The blog is full of sound advice and top tips about travelling and being on holiday abroad with a baby, toddler or pre-schooler.
Now the airlines and airports are all back up and running, travelling abroad is an opportunity to explore and have a real break. Many will be travelling as a family for the first time. We will be reminding you why Spain is the most popular holiday destination. Why dipping your toes in the Med is so special and why Caserío del Mirador is so unique.
Celebrate with us our 20 Year Anniversary and click to read ‘How it all started at Caserío del Mirador’.